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My name is Robyn Hatherly, and I live on the beautiful mid north coast of NSW. I have taken up writing in my senior years, like a lot of people I know, perhaps it's about being time rich so I have  the opportunity to put my dreams into practice. I have found writing a fantastic brain trainer and I am learning all the time.


My brother Trevor Whitton wrote three books which I loved, and it inspired me to try my hand at this craft.

Leaving school when I was 15 meant that my English/grammar was very limited, but  you are never too old to learn.


I was told to write about what I know, and I have found this works for me but, in Promise of Hope you are introduced to a couple from Poland, and although I have never been there, I was able to glean a lot of information from friends, family and the good old internet.

I hope you enjoy reading my books.

Regards   Robyn

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